It is important to know standard of living because you can know how people are educated,wealthy,healthy,or their infrastructure. It is important to understand it because if you go to live in a place you should know their standard of living before living there. The standard of living also affects how well you are treated in an area. If they only have .78 doctors per 1000 people that isn't going to treat you as well as a place with 3.5 doctors per 1000 people. The economics and standard of living can be associated with the 5 themes of geography by using human and environment interaction. People may have to tend or change their land to make it livable because one of your basic needs in standard of living is a home/shelter. You can associate 5 themes with standard of living by using HEI. Works Cited “Free Image on Pixabay - Doctor, Medicine, Man, Medical.” Free Vector Graphic: Doctor, Medicine, Man, Medical - Free Image on Pixabay - 2025725 ,
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